Patricia Koelle
Christmas Stories
Dr. Ronald Henss Verlag
ISBN 978-3-939937-70-8 (eBook epub-Format)
Kathy's big brother Robert surprises her with an early Christmas gift she will
never forget. A family uses the magic of memories to make it snow. Liam secretly
distributes mail that has an amazing effect, Freddie discovers amazing treasure
in his Christmas tree and a postman is puzzled by an extraordinary sight when
he passes Julius' house in the morning.
These poignant and touching stories capture the essence of our endeavors to
rouse the spirit of Christmas. They carry simple but often forgotten messages,
appropriate for uncertain times in which we need to rediscover the less tangible
things in life that bring us joy and satisfaction. The characters experience
ways to ward off despair and discover what makes their lives worthwhile. Their
encouraging stories illustrate ways of coping with the human condition and
offer a memorable reading experience.
Christmas, x-mas, christmas stories, short stories,
Weihnachtsgeschichten englisch, englischsprachige Weihnachtsgeschichten